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Elvaco ist ein wachsendes Unternehmen mit talentierten, bodenständigen Menschen, die das gewisse Extra liefern wollen und dabei auch noch Spaß haben!


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Products from Elvaco enable Entro's project with Bilia

Products from Elvaco enable Entro's project with Bilia

Bilia, the Nordic region's largest car dealership chain, has started a cooperation with Entro to monitor energy consumption on several of their properties in Sweden.

Elvaco delivers both products and services to Entro in the project. Parts included are our Metering Gateway for mobile network, CMe2100, SIM card and our service for quality assured meter data.
CMe2100 is mounted at each property and sends the meter data via GPRS to the collection system Metering and then on to Entro's energy monitoring system Entro Optima.
Thanks to this solution, Bilia gets control over the energy consumption on their properties.

Entro monitors energy consumption in Scandinavia for a value of SEK 4 billion per year and has customers in all segments of the market.


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