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Elvaco now offers a charger for electrical vehicles

Elvaco now offers a charger for electrical vehicles

Elvaco presents Ensto One WM-Bus, a charger for electrical vehicles which communicates via wireless M-Bus. This is a combined solution from Elvaco and Ensto that consists of Elvaco's CMeX20w mounted in an Ensto One charger.

Ensto One WM-Bus is adapted for charging in apartment buildings and workplaces. It is equipped with a mechanical lock, DC monitoring, personal protection switch, RFID, Type 2 socket and a charging power of 3.7 kW (1x16A).
The charger is easy to get started with and in the app Ensto Charger Control you can make different configurations, including specify effect and make updates.

Ensto One WM-Bus can be connected via LAN to the cloud solution Ensto EV Manager to ensure smooth user management, user-specific consumption reporting and load balancing.

Read more about the product here

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