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Job opportunities at Elvaco

Elvaco is a growing company with talented, down-to-earth people who want to deliver that little extra while at the same time having fun!


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 Elvaco continues as a supplier to HBV within submetering

Elvaco continues as a supplier to HBV within submetering

SABO's purchasing function for Sweden's public housing companies, HBV, has recently completed a procurement for submetering products and services. We at Elvaco are pleased to announce that we once again have been chosen as a supplier.

Welcome Mattias

Welcome Mattias

We are expanding even further and we welcome Mattias Ryrlén who will work as a test specialist in our R&D team!

Welcome Daniel

Welcome Daniel

Our staff continues to grow and we welcome Daniel Åkesson who will work as manager of our department Order to Delivery.

Welcome Magnus

Welcome Magnus

During November, our sales team has expanded even further.

Our latest product

Our latest product

We want to offer our customers a wider range of use for our CMe3100 (Gateway for Fixed Network), and have therefore developed an LTE/4G router that allows the CMe3100 to be used with no connection to the Internet.

Meet us at Energikicken

Meet us at Energikicken

SABO's conference Energikicken will take place on November 28-29 in Örebro and is the year's energy event in the public sector.

Elvaco measures Panncentralen in Gothenburg

Elvaco measures Panncentralen in Gothenburg

Panncentralen in Gothenburg was initially an oil-fired central. Over the years, it has gone from using waste heat from nearby industries to district heating from the local energy supplier.