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The internal Meter Connectivity Module (MCM) CMi4140 is a LoRaWAN network component that is integrated into a Kamstrup Multical 403/603/803 meter. The meter module is known as an energy-efficient, user-friendly and cost-effective solution. The long communication range, the long battery life of at least eleven years, the low acquisition and operating costs as well as the simple configuration via NFC with the mobile OTC app from Elvaco are among the decisive advantages of this MCM.

CMi4140 - Integrated MCM for Kamstrup Multical 403/603/803, LoRaWAN

The rapid growth of IoT (“Internet of things”) has resulted in new communication techniques, specifically developed to meet the growing demand of high energy-efficiency and long range. LoRaWAN is one such technique. CMi4140 is mounted inside a Kamstrup MULTICAL 403/603/803 to deliver meter data to a receiving server via a LoRaWAN network. The product has 11 years of battery life, is energy-efficient, has a long communication range and is easily retrofitted inside an already deployed meter. CMi4140 is easily configured through Elvaco OTC mobile app (via NFC). With CMi4140, Elvaco offers a meter communication module designed for customers that require a user-friendly and cost-effective solution. The CMi4140 is available both as a version with internal and as a version with external antenna. The configuration via NFC (Near Field Communication) with a smartphone makes the meter module particularly easy to operate. After you have activated the module with the mobile Elvaco OTC app via NFC or by pressing the buttons on the meter for a time until "Call" appears, the module can log on to a network using the over-the-air activation (OTAA) procedure. First, a network key is generated which is derived from the OTAA key during pairing. You can then configure the NFC device via the associated Elvaco OTC app or adjust the settings remotely via the LoRaWAN downlink. The CMi4140 can process seven different message types and has an individually adjustable sending interval that determines the frequency of communication of the meter module with the server. To ensure maximum battery life of at least eleven years, the CMi4140 has an EcoMode. This regulates the transmission interval to a fixed limit value in order to enable energy-efficient operation. Last but not least, the CMi4140 has a configuration lock that prevents unauthorized access to the module. If this locking function has been activated, access requires a device-specific product access key, which can be automatically picked up with the customer user using the Elvaco OTC app from the key management platform Evo.
  • Total: 2
  • Total: 2


Electrical connections

Electrical characteristics

Environmental specifications

Temperature sensor, margin of error

Humidity sensor, margin of error

User interface


Wireless M-Bus

Integrated M-Bus Master

Wireless M-Bus Receiver

M-Bus slave interface


Data storage (examples)

Mobile Network

Fixed Network (Ethernet)



Connections and Interfaces


The Meter Connectivity Module (MCM) CMi4140 is the ideal addition to Kamstrup Multical 403/603/803 meters. As an IoT device, the communication module uses the LoRaWAN network to transmit measurement data to a receiving server. In addition, the collected data is automatically compiled into radio telegrams. A long communication range and a long battery life of at least eleven years speak for the use of the CMi4140, as well as the uncomplicated configuration via NFC and the easy upgradeability. The activation and commissioning of the CMi4140 meter module is also simple.